Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale - Blind Version
- Description
This edition is the latest edition of Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales. The new edition includes updates in administration, scoring, in addition to a comprehensive clinical report that includes the history of the case, behavioral observations, summary, conclusions and recommendations. It also includes an electronic registration for administration procedures.
More Info
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale - 5th Edition - Blind Version Report
Amount 1
- Purpose
- Scoring
- Advantages
- Scale Uses:
- Components of Test Bag:
- Category
- Age
- Admin - time
- Administration Language:
- Report language:
- Test language
- Availability
To asset cognitive skills (intelligence)
Directly after finishing administration.
1. The books' size, form, and print have been updated.
2. Quantitative Reasoning is provided in both Arabic and English.
3. The book is provided with sections for easier administration.
4. The Examiner's Guide has become (900 pages) and includes parts for:
• Neuropsychological assessment
• How to write a clinical report.
• Diagnosis of disability, integration and autism.
• How to use the test in daily life and career interests.
• How to form a healthy clinical sense.
5. Record Form is now available in an application on mobile phone.
6. Scoring software is now available in an application on mobile phone.
7. A comprehensive clinical report that includes the history of the case, behavioral observations, summary, and conclusions.
• Diagnosing developmental learning disabilities.
• Discovering gifted children.
• Assisting in the diagnosis of mental disability.
• Assisting in the diagnosis of autism disorder.
• Assisting in the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
• Detecting cases of developmental cognitive retardation in young children.
• Assisting in the diagnosis of mental disorders and developing a treatment plan according to cognitive processes.
• Assessing brain injury resulting from work or accidents and the magnitude of the resulting disorders.
• Assessing early childhood.
• Contributing in educational psychological assessments related to enrollment in the special education program.
• Providing information on required interventions such as family and individual educational plans for children in preschool to school age.
• Contributing to correct the adult career path and classification and selection of employees according to the assessment process.
• Examiner's Manual.
• 4 books for administration
• 25 Record Forms.
• 25 Cognitive Observations Forms.
• A bag containing test tools.
• CD contains the scoring software in both Arabic and English.
Intelligence Tests
2 - 80
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
- Publisher
- Author
Arab Corporation for Preparing, Standardizing and publishing Psychological Tests
Dr. Abdelmawgoud Abdelsamea