Assessment Center

Assessment Center

  • Description
For organizations and companies, assessment center is the process that involves assessing the candidates’ competencies for specific positions or making specific decisions in terms of promotion of staff for specific jobs. It also used in identifying training needs, gap analysis, or identifying level of performance using many techniques such as psychological tests, role play and simulation, and VR techniques. For schools, assessment center is the process by which the efficiency of the learning process, team cohesion, and methods of classroom management are determined, and gifted students and students with learning disabilities and behavioral problems are detected. It helps in developing intervention plans and may extend to the intervention process itself. Regarding hospitals and special needs centers, assessment center is the process by which assessment, intervention and follow-up processes for children, adolescents, and adults with particular disabilities, behavioral problems or psychological disorders are improved.

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Assessment Center

Amount 1
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  • Purpose
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We offer our clients, including institutions, companies, schools, hospitals and special needs centers, a whole center for assessment, intervention and follow-up services. The center includes many tools, techniques and psychological tests. The assessment center is managed through a website that is fully controlled by the client, and can be monitored through applications on the moblie phone. Through this center, clients can put the logo of their organization, develop their own assessment plan, and determine which tests to be administered and its order, in terms of whether these tests are used for diagnosis, staff selection, promotion testing, or teamwork building. Clients also can control reports in terms of who has the right to read the report. Also, they can prepare statistics and graphs for the level of performance within the organization. Through the assessment center, clients can identify gaps and training needs.
Who Uses Assessment Center? First: Military and Civilian Institutions and Major Corporations Second: Schools Third: Hospitals and Special Needs Centers
Assessment center uses several tools that help in achieving the best levels of selection, diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up. Tools and applications for each organization can be developed. These tools include psychological tests, intervention programs, software program, mobile applications, and virtual reality applications.
ِAutism Tests
1 - 80
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
Arabic / English

  • Publisher
  • Author
Arab Corporation for Preparing, Standardizing and publishing Psychological Tests.
Dr. Abdel Mougoud Abdel Samea