Personality Traits Inventory
- Description
It is a standardized test that is advantaged with a high degree of validity and reliability. It could be administered to individuals at age of 13 years up to 80 years. This test provides information about the basic domains of personality and could be individually or group administered.
More Info
Personality Traits Test
Amount 1
The Manual of Personality Traits Test
Amount 1
- Purpose
- Scoring
- main domains
- Advantages
- Components of Test Bag:
- Category
- Age
- Admin - time
- Administration Language:
- Report language:
- Test language
- Availability
To assess the basic dimensions of personality
Directly after finishing administration
• Emotional stability vs. Neuroticism
• Extraversion vs. Introversion
• Openness to experience vs. resistance to new experience.
• Adaptation vs. Maladaptation
• Conscientiousness vs. Impulsiveness-undirectedness.
• Under each domain there are 6 subtests.
• Helps companies choose the most qualified applicants for the job.
• Helps set development programs for the employees.
• Helps in choosing a life partner.
• Helps in understanding marital disputes.
• Helps in evaluating the commitment of clients in psychotherapy sessions.
• Helps in determining the appropriate psychotherapy methods for the client.
• Is useful for psychotherapy through formulating a practical treatment plan and predicting consequences that might occur during the treatment process. It also helps in placement of cases.
• Individual's scores could be compared with results of other adolescents or adults in order to give an accurate description of his personality.
• The test provides an idea about what distinguishes an individual concerning his way of thought- feelings- and how he interacts with others.
• Scores of the client in the personality test are connected with Hollands Six Career Types (Enterprising- Artistic- Conventional- Investigative- Social- and Realistic.)
• Through this test an individual could have personality styles (traits) in dealing with life situations.
1. Examiner's Guide
2. CD contains the scoring computerized software (you can choose between direct administration through computer, Internet, or through taking the answers through the scanner in group administration).
3. 25 Record Forms in both English and Arabic.
4. 25 profiles
Personality Tests
13 - 80
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
Arabic / English
- Publisher
- Author
Arab Corporation for Preparing, Standardizing and publishing Psychological Tests
Dr. Abdelmawgoud Abdelsamea